Tag: fake

April 24, 2010 / / personal

Oh no! My computer is infected by a massive amount of trojans! O-M-G! Panic panic I’ve seen it: they’ve been scanning my hard drive, scanned some exe’s and dll’s and…

October 19, 2009 / / technology

Every night, all over the world, hundreds of people see this face in their dreams. If this man appears in your dreams too, or if you have any information that…

April 17, 2008 / / personal

The girls/women in my surrounding are looking for anti-aging products, anti cellulite products, anti-wrinkle creams… They even don’t want to go swimming because “they look fat”. Please. Cut the crap.…

January 7, 2008 / / personal

This weekend I closed my facebook account. Due to reasons you can read all over the place. Only, I didn’t find the option “Close account” anymore, and I’m sure it…

December 21, 2007 / / personal

A couple of days ago, my sister was telling that she had read on the Internet that Playboy had been retouching a model a little too much, removing her belly…

December 12, 2007 / / personal

Several guesses about the reason the girl murdered her sister were Her sister was named the main beneficiary in her mother’s will The sister appeared to be the murderer of…

November 17, 2007 / / personal

Naar verluit verluidt heeft SBS6 besloten de belspelletjes van het scherm te halen. Of er een verband bestaat, is niet bekend. Edit: Ze stoppen inderdaad (FYI)

October 10, 2007 / / technology

Junkmail… Sometimes, it’s realy funny to know what they want to sell you. Take these mails I got today: Phu-lease… If your limited offer has been sold out, why bother…